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Flood Landslide Disaster in Western Japan - Donation Efforts

Historic levels of torrential rainfall have caused devastating floods and landslides in central and western Japan, forcing over 2 million people to evacuate their homes. At the time of writing, the fatality count has risen to over 225 people, with many still missing. Tens and thousands of homes were destroyed and over 4,000 remain in temporary shelters. 


Japan Flood Disaster CBS NewsPhoto credits to CBS NEWS 

Kamikoto has raised US$10,000 to donate to aid relief efforts through the Japanese Red Cross, who have sent emergency response teams to the affected areas and are continuing to support and aid the affected through this difficult time.


Japan Flood rescuePhoto credits to CNN

We would like to express our condolences to those affected and the families of the bereaved. In this time of need, we would also like to invite our customers to join us in this effort.

Donations can be made directly to the Japanese Red Cross:

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